There are various ways to respond, and each one of those responses will provoke a determined consequence. Are we aware of these outcomes? Or are we so into rage that we block everything out, excepting anger? Of course, there are may types of attacks. Ones may be physical and psychological or just psychological. However, the impact of any type of attack on...
Read MoreWhy do we feel fear?
Fear is a conditioned reaction. Fear is what makes you feel nervous. Fear is the reaction one has when one is expecting pain. Have you ever observed closely the process of fear as it develops within yourself? Is it the defense mechanism we have developed to survive? It could be, so I ask: What is behind the inherent capacity to feel pain, pleasure, and...
Read MoreHow can we bring the best out of an economic crisis?
Are you in this mess that has been created by greedy people? It does not matter if the mess began with the wall street people or main stream… Are you unemployed because of the crisis? Do you feel decieved by big companies and goverment? Are you searching for a way out without getting any answers? Have you realized we need to build a better...
Read MoreWhy do I fight defending an opinion?
Why do people spend their lives fighting for a belief? Wars have been caused because of irrational beliefs. So, an opinion is just like a belief, depending on the faith placed on the thought implanted on your head you can name it: Opinion, belief, creed, etc. Let’s analyze why do people fight, perhaps even till death for a creed? Could it be possible...
Read MoreWhere will this kind of society lead us to?
There are several theories about the future of this society… 01 Society will be solely a power game. It doesn’t matter if it is communist or capitalist. People fighting and controling in the name of justice or equity, but really doing it for the power, commodity, and money. Those “who have a lot” will want others ‘who...
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