There is hope, it is called future: Endless possibilities flowing through the vast river of imagination. What can we do to create a wiser and passion driven society? How can we think in ways our predecessors haven’t ever imagined? Well, simple or complex, we require the will to see beyond the taught. A strong will can transform the world, the issue here...
Read MoreHow can we bring the best out of an economic crisis?
Are you in this mess that has been created by greedy people? It does not matter if the mess began with the wall street people or main stream… Are you unemployed because of the crisis? Do you feel decieved by big companies and goverment? Are you searching for a way out without getting any answers? Have you realized we need to build a better...
Read MoreHow can I break my family pattern?
Have you ever seen yourself outside of your “own judgements”? Each time you judge someone, at the end, you are judging yourself. Why? If you wear, act, or do something you critized; you will not feel confortable with yourself, subconsciously or consciously. This same process can be transported to a larger scale: Family Patterns. How? Family...
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