Just to make it pretty clear: To be part of Anonymous has nothing to do with breaking the current laws or neither is against any particular interest. Anonymous is any person that is raising awareness toward the need of a new society that actually questions authority in an intelligible and respectful manner. Anonymous is here to stay, and therefore is...
Read MoreHow to ask questions?
Belief goes deep into concepts. This occurs because concepts nurture belief, and belief is nurtured by concepts. This goes way into the way we process information through a possible prediction system (Hawkins, Blakeslee) or an interpreter (Gazzaniga) in the brain that creates justifications to sustain beliefs. The studies about how the brain works are in...
Read MoreHow to react when being attacked?
There are various ways to respond, and each one of those responses will provoke a determined consequence. Are we aware of these outcomes? Or are we so into rage that we block everything out, excepting anger? Of course, there are may types of attacks. Ones may be physical and psychological or just psychological. However, the impact of any type of attack on...
Read MoreWhy do we feel fear?
Fear is a conditioned reaction. Fear is what makes you feel nervous. Fear is the reaction one has when one is expecting pain. Have you ever observed closely the process of fear as it develops within yourself? Is it the defense mechanism we have developed to survive? It could be, so I ask: What is behind the inherent capacity to feel pain, pleasure, and...
Read MoreHow does fear cripple life?
After giving it a lot of thought, and trying to understand the way society has programmed us to behave… We have been programmed to educate myself, to feel bad at myself if I am not doing something that should be called productive (oriented to success also called goal-oriented)… For example: You have to workout because I can’t be fat, not...
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