The way fear creates violence is quite interesting. One must first analyze: Where does violence come from? to find out that violence is created from fear. You are free to skip the previous post, but become aware by your own analysis of the fact that violence and fear are intimately tied. The image of self needs a sense of security in order to function....
Read MoreHow to be Anonymous without breaking laws?
Just to make it pretty clear: To be part of Anonymous has nothing to do with breaking the current laws or neither is against any particular interest. Anonymous is any person that is raising awareness toward the need of a new society that actually questions authority in an intelligible and respectful manner. Anonymous is here to stay, and therefore is...
Read MoreHow to live freedom? Part 2 – Non-confrontational
Part two: Non-confrontational Freedom To be self confident you need to believe in yourself. You must be aware you may make mistakes. However, you must also be aware that those errors will make you become a better person. After each mistake, you must embrace change with happiness because you have been given the opportunity to overcome something and grow...
Read MoreWhy does an economic mess exist?
There is hope, it is called future: Endless possibilities flowing through the vast river of imagination. What can we do to create a wiser and passion driven society? How can we think in ways our predecessors haven’t ever imagined? Well, simple or complex, we require the will to see beyond the taught. A strong will can transform the world, the issue here...
Read MoreHow much will we let society affect our lives?
What is the collective mind? How does the collective mind affect our daily lives? Society as a group of people is just an aspect of the collective mind, it is the conjunction of different factors like: the general state of consciousness of the population, your inner division (what you believe vs. others believe) causing peer pressure, and the clear...
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