Have you ever seen yourself outside of your “own judgements”?
Each time you judge someone, at the end, you are judging yourself.
Why? If you wear, act, or do something you critized; you will not feel confortable with yourself, subconsciously or consciously.
This same process can be transported to a larger scale: Family Patterns. How?
Family tends to “educate” us, they teach us what should be right and wrong, they treat us mostly as their parents treated them, and they provide a “secure zone” where you can recognize them as the powerful ones.
What will happen if those parents don’t question anything and simply act upon their “old patterns”? Their offspring will inherit those old judgements and prejudices they learned through their parents and grandparents.
Well, this can seem pretty simple, but even though it sounds obvious that doesn’t mean those are easy patterns to break.
You can’t just be an outcast and behave out of the box in a family pressuring you to commit the same mistakes they have lived. It is an interesting fenomenon because although they may tell you not to commit the same mistakes, subconsciously they want you to understand them, thus do what they have done.
If a parent teaches his child not to commit the same mistake, it won’t happen. The problem here is that although their speech may tell something, their acts provoke something else.
It’s like we are all trapped in the idea of who or what we should be. It doesn’t matter who we are or how we feel. It ends up being: What the world thinks it would work.
This is one of the biggest mistakes humanity has made; we fail to recognize our errors, it could be because of our ego. But if we don’t see them: How will we be able to become better human beings?
Evolution is all about transforming according to our surroundings, but have we realized that to be capable to comprehend awareness is the key stone to major revolutionary changes.
When will humanity, each one of us, get it? When will we ask ourselves tons of questions in such a way we will become free from our own petty points of view (family induced or not fully developed)?
Imagine a world where we ask questions thourougly, an answer is not an answer, but a new question to unveil a new universe inside of us…
How to break my family patterns?
- Analyze myself
- Question myself
- Become self-aware
- Listen to your thoughts
- Observe the consequences of those thoughts and actions
- Understand awareness
- Analyze again
- Question again
- Don’t stop when there is no answer: Rest, keep alert, keep going, don’t take impossible as an answer, and be aware!
Family patterns get broken when you become aware of them, and decide with all your heart to stop them.
Photo Credit: by Kevin N. Murphy